Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Our Favorite Posts (as of 2024)

We haven't really posted on this blog since about 2015 - that's NINE years ago! - so a lot of the products and shops have changed, but there is still a lot of good information here. Look through the links to see everything, but this is a list of some of the posts that still seem useful and less dated. 

We still ride bikes. Our kids grew up and they ride bikes, work with bikes, bikes bikes bikes. But as we got older and more withered, we began to be more wary of the generally unsafe layout of Chicago streets, and of the maybe more aggressive post pandemic driving habits a lot of people developed. This blog overall viewed things in a more rosy light than we would probably shine on city biking today. So please, have a look, maybe learn from our experiences, but be careful with your kids and yourself and choose your routes carefully... There is a lot more in the blog, and we will try to update this page too.

Our Favorites

You're Not Too Heavy to Ride a Bike!

Blinky Blinky Little Star - Kids' Bike Lighting

No more big key chain for you - create a single key family bike lock system

Look out for Sucker Poles!

Making a Trailer out of Junk Parts to Carry your Kids' Bikes

About Cargobikes

Trying out Cargo Trikes

Make your own Balance Bike

Carry your kid on your old Schwinn, etc.

Carrying Kids on Folding Bikes

More on Folding Bikes

"Dutch" Bikes - build 'em yourself 

A Classic Loop Frame Roadster

Tom's Cargo Bikes — another option!

Dynamo (generator) lighting primer

LED Headlight Comparison

Fun stuff

Kids and riding with kids and teaching kids, with bikes

Teaching Children About Dooring

Biking in other places