Chicago Families Ride!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Open Streets- Hooray!

This is a late, short but sweet heartfelt plug for today and next week's Open Streets.

If you have never had a chance to be a part of Open Streets please give it a try! We take our smallest  guy's balance bike and try to make sure the older guys are each on their own vehicle. It's the weekend so kid bikes can roll on the El.

  What a huge surprise to be free on a no car State Street surrounded by hula hoopers and walkers chatting and looking up at the skyline in the middle of the road.

Look back to our last Open Streets post for good routes and snack and food suggestions for today. We'll work up a post of routes and suggestions to next week's Milwaukee Avenue event coming up later this week.

Many thanks to the Active Transportation alliance and everyone who has made these two days happen for us all!  Thank you for the second and third helping.

Maybe the CPS and CTU negotiators can strap on their skates and take a whirl around together (ok probably not). I do wish I could take all the hardworking, unthankable teachers and staff  at my son's school for a happy twirl. Good luck to them and all of us this weekend.

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