Chicago Families Ride!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reading Ride With Me NYC for the LGRAB Summer Games

We found the perfect rainy day armchair summer travel read... Ride With Me NYC.  It's a wacky multi- tour journey through New York with Roos Stallinga, a dutch cyclist who rides a beat up Ross and has lived there for years. She introduces us to captivating city riders, eateries, museums and most importantly coffee shops.  One of my favorite riders is the elegant Mary Libby who has been riding the streets of New York since before I was born.  She's the original cycle chic. Helmet haters should check out Edlin Pitts. A must see is the cool Grolsch cargo bike. It's a lower Manhattan family school bus.

Roos cleverly included all the old Dutch names for the places she rides.  You can get away with that when you are dutch. Can you find Boswyck, Vlissingen,  or Konijnen Eyland? She adds clear maps tracing each route with solid directions and details of the special places along the way.

If you are curious to find a copy one can be ordered from any of your favorite local bike or book shops. Adeline Adeline and Rolling Orange both in New York carry it.  If you do get a copy take it for a ride to your favorite cafe, order a "cortado" and settle in for a fun vicarious jaunt on two wheels in New York. (Then stash the book away for the next time you are in New York and get to take a ride. She even tells you where to rent a bike.)

We read it for the LGRAB Summer Games hosted by Trish and Dottie over at  Let's Go Ride A Bike. I know we are a little thick with the advice lately but you should click on over there and get playing.  Maybe you could even win some prizes!

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