Chicago Families Ride!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our favorite rickshaw

We pass this bike on our way to school on one of our routes.  It's a favorite of the kids'. We've never seen it out on the road and always seems to be there when we pass. Our guys just want to go for a ride in it. Has anyone ever seen it out on the road?

The other rickshaw we usually see is in Uptown in front of Uptown Bikes. We've never seen that one out either but we're keeping our eyes out just in case. We think that one gets out on the road on special occasions.


  1. There's a red one ridden by a young lady that lives in Logan Square by the monument. I had seen her chauffeuring tourists about on Mag Mile one day while running errands and then caught up with her later that evening riding home on Armitage and California. I was riding the bucket bike and here we were, two across, at the intersection. I always wave by faster cyclists and when the light turned green we both insisted that the other was faster. It isn't often that I come upon a cyclist that I'm faster than, so that made my day.

  2. Very sweet. I will keep my eye out for her. The guys just love to see rickshaws for some reason. A yellow one passed us today and stopped to visit on his way to Wrigleyville. Funny how people carrying bikes seem to belong together. He said he wants a box bike to carry his daughter. Just wait till we fill this city.


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