Chicago Families Ride!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cyclelogical Kidical Mass this weekend

This week Kidical Mass will hold a ride at Clarendon Park in concert with Cyclelogical. Many of Chicago's special bike world will be there. The Safe Ride Ambassadors, Working Bikes Coop, and it just so happens Ash of One Less Minivan and Jennifer, half of Chicargobike, will be there as part of the Kidical Mass ride to do a quick workshop about family riding mostly as a question and answer session. Bring your bike and get back out on the road if you've been hibernating!

Cyclelogical: A bicycle festival
Saturday, April 2nd
Clarendon Park Community Center, 2nd Floor
4501 N Clarendon, Chicago
Win free bike gear,  eat snacks and learn more about bike safety.  Drop in to the festival any time, or stay awhile for our expert-led sessions:
* Bike Safety in Chicago – 11:00-11:30am
* Know Your Bike and Your Gear – 11:30am-noon
* Tips and Tricks for Bike Commuters Panel – noon-12:30pm
Enter the FREE raffle to win a helmet, pump, reflective wrist/ankle bands, lights, CTA passes, or a $75 iGO gift certificate.
Event sponsored by the Chicago Conservation Corps (C3) and the Lesley University Urban Environmental Leadership program.
Contact with comments or questions.

Thanks to Bike Fancy and Let's go Ride a Bike, two of our favorite blogs for mentioning us in the past few weeks. Martha really showcases the great women out riding around our fair city and how chic they are. Bike Fancy has a new portrait up every day or so. Dottie and Trish of LGRAB bring out the fun of just riding. They happily demystify the idea of using your bike every day with wit and style.

See you at Clarendon Park!

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